2024 Io (cont'd) 2022–2023 Io 2021 meyn mshpkhh 2020 Pandemonium 2019 Damaged 2018 Not All Shadows are Dark Infinite Gestures 2017 (almost) Everybody I Say Hello To 2014 Everybody Loves Angels 2013–2023 Diverse drawings 2012 This is Paradise? 2011 The way of nature. The way of grace. 2010 Oh Alice 2009–2014 Wallpapers A different STATE of mind 2008 Manège 2006 Magic Names 2004 78th & Columbus oh oui 2003 From My Point of View Dites Moi 2000 There to Here 1998 Continuing the Conversation 1996 14 Conversation Pieces
To use one's own persona as a model and explore the conventions of portraiture, emotions, identity, age, and gender.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
An ongoing series of drawings wrestling with age, gender, history, and place.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
A series of drawings based upon a restored family photograph from 1930.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
From a series of drawings created during the pandemic. Representing, hope and boredom.
13 drawings, all using grisaille techniques, to re-establish an unsettled memory of time and place.
From a series of drawings. In a conflict zone where the similarities outnumber differences, and where women best represent the oppression experienced by two non-aligned societies.
A series of drawings exploring the erotic undertones of 17th & 18th C porcelains displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
A series of drawings acknowledging the differences and similarities between acquaintance, friend, and family.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
From a series of drawings, sculptures and photos replicating selections from the Metropolitan Museums collection evoking the myths and origins of angels in multiple religions.
Individual drawings created as asides to ongoing series of works, including people, places and nature.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
This series of drawings grew from observations on the boardwalk in winter of the immigrant population living in the Brighton Beach/Coney Island area of NY. They continue to take with habits and rituals formed over generations.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
Drawings and photos that investigate the re-creation life - via taxidermy - and transporting it to unnatural environs, a surreal sensibility overwhelms the intention, whether that is passion, memory or obsession.
The sculpture, an everlasting hub for climbing and portraits, in Central Park, where memories and fantasy are transformed by material and size, inviting and repelling simultameously.
Site specific wallpaper created from drawings
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
Drawings and photos examining the material remnants of immigration, and the intimacy, memory and connections they create in those environments.
From the Central Park Carousel, NYC, series of photos and drawings.
A series of photos exposing the imprints we leave behind when we move from place to place.
Dissassemble graffiti, reassemble graffiti.
* all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
A series of drawings looking at immigrant influences from former colonized countries.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
A series of collages using photo material taken at the end-of-line points on the subway from Stockholm.
*all images, excluding those for publications, taken with an Iphone
A series of photo collages created from personal surroundings.
Photo collages mounted on postcards from locations where photo material is sourced. Questioning memory versus fabrication.
A body of work and exhibition as an addendum to "14 Conversation Pieces". When the conversation leaves the table-top.
14 Antique tables
India ink, gold and silver