• Born in New York City, NY, 1957
    Lives and Works in Stockholm, Sweden, and New York City, US

    Contact: amy@amysimon.net
  • Selected Solo Exhibitions

    • 2024Io (cont'd), Wedholms, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 2019Damaged, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, *Illustrated catalogue
    • 2018Not All Shadows Are Dark, Loushy Art & Projects, Tel Aviv, Israel
    • 2017(almost) Everybody I say Hello to, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 2014Everybody Loves Angels, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, *Illustrated catalogue
    • 2011The way of nature. The way of grace, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, *Illustrated catalogue
    • 2010Epilogue: a different STATE of mind, VOLTA, New York, US
    • 2009A different STATE of mind, Andrea Meislin Gallery, New York, US
    • 2009La Biennale di Venezia ‘53, Making Worlds: International Exhibition- Arsenale, Venice, Italy
    • 2008Manège - from the Central Park portfolio-drawing, Mårtenson + Persson, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 2008Manège – from the Central Park portfolio-photo, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 2006Magic Names, Mårtenson + Persson, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 200678th & Columbus, Mårtenson + Persson, Påarp, Sweden
    • 2003From My Point of View, Knäpper + Baumgarten, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 2003together with Michel Auder & A.L. Steiner, Nicole Klagsbrun Gallery, New York, US
    • 2003Dites Moi, Centre Culturel Suedois, Swedish Culture Institute, Paris, France
    • 2000Untitled, Galerie Christian Larsen, Stockholm, Sweden
    • 1998Continuing the Conversation, F-Rummet, Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö, Sweden
    • 1996Fourteen Conversation Pieces, Kägelbanan, Djurgården, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Collections

    • Bonniers samling, Stockholm, Sweden
    • Daniel Sachs Collection, Stockholm, Sweden
    • Börshuset, Malmö, Sweden
    • Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art, Stockholm, Sweden
    • Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Awards / Projects

    • 2010-14Art Editor, LOFT
    • 2009Publication, a different STATE of mind, text by Daniel Birnbaum and Amy Baker Sandback, Hatje Cantz
    • 2009Stipendium (National Swedish Grant for Visual Art), Konstnärsnämnden, Sweden
    • 2008-14Freelance Art Writer, Artforum, ArtNews
    • 1999Documentary Film, Portrait of a Reality
    • 1997Stipendium (National Swedish Grant for Visual Art), Konstnärsnämnden, Sweden